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    "Woody" is a Stage 8 /nocturnal force. All recorded sightings of "Woody" have been within sources of heavy, concentrated light, such as streetlamps or headlights. Though it can be assumed "Woody" only appears within areas of heavy illumination, one should still exercise extreme caution roaming at night. "Woody" also seems to appear sporadically in forms of children's media, such as books, movies, or drawings. "Woody" seems to use these sources as a sort of gateway, though the exact methods of how this fast travel works remain unknown. If you suspect that an object may be a gateway, dispose of said object and any other potential gateways nearby through means such as fire, acid, or any other method that results in total destruction of the object. Through briefly examining these "gateways", particularly the ones in the form of tv shows or movies, we have been able to piece together a coherent backstory relating to "Woody's" existence. (Note: While this backstory is more than likely accurate, there is a slight chance that some artistic liberties have been taken based on each form of media, so keep that in mind.) It has been gathered that, at some point in time, Woody angered Jeffy, and was thus torn across time and space. Based on the few documented actions we have of Jeffy, it seems one of his primary goals is to find Woody, potentially to finish the job he started and mend his mistake of essentially creating an entity able to hide away from our physical plane. he will find him.